- Подробности
- Опубликовано: 01.10.2014 19:28
Журнал "Архитектура, градостроительство и дизайн" вошел в базу данных Российского индекса научного цитирования (РИНЦ).
Журнал "Архитектура, градостроительство и дизайн" вошел в базу данных Российского индекса научного цитирования (РИНЦ).
Опубликован первый номер журнала "Архитектура, градостроительство и дизайн". Подробности в разделе НОМЕРА
Добро пожаловать на сайт международного электронного научного журнала "Архитектура, градостроительство и дизайн".
Requirements to publications
1. The subject of the article should correspond to the thematic scope of the journal.
2. Publication in the journal is free. Authors do not have to pay any fee to have their articles published. Authors are not paid out any fee.
3. No more than two articles of one author can be taken to be published in one issue of the journal.
4. The length of the main body of the text should be no more than 1 author’s sheet (16 pages). The minimum length of the text of the article is 8 pages.
5. Before publication all articles are tested by the “EtxtAntiplagiarism” software. As a rule, an article can be taken for publication if its unique character is no less than 80%. Articles with a smaller share of text uniqueness may be taken for publication by the decision of the editorial board if the whole borrowed text is correctly designed and application of quotes in the article is necessary to make author’s statements more convincing.
6. Text has to be typed in MS Word 2003-2007 text editor, Times New Roman font, font size –14, line spacing –1.5, paragraph indention –1.25 cm, top, bottom, left, right margins –2 cm. Tables in the text should be numbered and have titles placed above the table field. Illustrations in the text should be numbered and have titles placed under the illustrations in the middle.
7. Arrangement of an article has to meet the requirements of all-Union State Standard 7.32-2001, “Research work report".
8. Each article should have the following information:
- Brussels classification code in bold type;
- Information about authors: first, second and last names are written in lower-case letters, in bold type, with right-margin justification on every other empty line;
- Article heading is written in block letters, in bold type, with right-margin justification on every other empty line;
- Abstract about topicality and novelty of the topic, main substantive aspect (2000 symbols) is written in italics, with full justification, single-space, on every other empty line;
- The phrase "keywords” is written on every other empty line and after the colon – 5 words or phrases separated by commas, in italics, single-space, with full justification;
- The above – mentioned information (title of the article, information about authors, abstract, and keywords) in English should be arranged in the similar way and placed on the next line:
- The text of the article is written with a red indented line, 0,7 см indent, on every other empty line;
- It is necessary to write a conclusion after the article (6-8 lines), to throw up the word “conclusion” in bold type, center justification and to begin a new paragraph. Conclusion should contain the main findings based on the text;
- The word "references", first in Russian then in English, should be placed on the next line, with center justification and bibliographical entry in Roman alphabet;
- It is necessary to give information about the authors: scientific degree, rank, other scientific ranks and titles of honor, the name of the University, city and e-mail address. It should be done with full justification;
- All illustrations and tables in the text should be numbered using continuous numbering and links to them are given in the text.
9. Bibliographical descriptions of quoted, reviewed and mentioned resources in the text, articles of other documents, included in the reference list are connected by links with a certain passage of the text. The number of quoted, reviewed and mentioned resource from the reference list is given in round brackets in the text after having been mentioned. Reference list is placed below the text of the article after the word “References” in alphabetical order according to all-Union State Standard 7.1-2008 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic entry.”
10. Material of the article and external referee report should be sent e-mail on the address of the editorial body. After reviewing the material of the article and positive decision of the Editorial Board about publishing it, the article in PDF format should be registered in the site section “personal cabinet”. You should place your article in it. Besides, a hard copy of the publication signed by the author should be sent on the specified e-mail address. When you submit materials by mail, make sure that they have been received by contacting the person responsible for the journal.
Responsible for the journal – deputy dean for Science of the Architectural Faculty of South Ural State University –Vita Vasilyevna Zimich
Phone number +7 950-733-35-45, e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. сайт: http://aud.susu.ru
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